Sunday, May 20, 2012

Rockwall Winery @ the Gray Loft Gallery

Rockwall Winery tasting

Only two words needed to describe it; warm & wonderful. On a beautifully sunny spring day, only as beautiful as it can get in Jingletown, Rockwall Winery poured a wine tasting for the Saturday open gallery of Gray Loft Gallery. Dick Winter did the pour and a more gracious man I have never met.

(click on any image to see slideshow)
Dick Winter pouring for Rockwall Winery
photos by Styrous®

Jan Watten was the hostess for the afternoon, greeting the guests as they arrived; showing them the work, telling them about the aritsts and just making them feel at home.

left: Jan Watten,     right: Glenna Mills
photo by Styrous®

Then Jan sent them to the wine bar where Dick was ready to serve them the excellent Zinfandel, the delicate rosé or the rich Chardonnay wines he'd brought for the tasting. Each of them a delight.

photo by Styrous®

The pace was quiet but steady throughout the afternoon. It gave the artists who tended the gallery quality time to spend with the guests who came.

left: Suzy Barnard                                 right: guest
photo by Styrous®

left: P J. Callahan, center: husband, right: Jan Watten
photo by Styrous®

The artists who tended the gallery

Karyn Yandow, photography
  photo by Styrous®

 Susan Moyski, sculpture
photo by Styrous®

left to right: Suzy Barnard, Ruth Boerefijn,
photo by Styrous®

The work

 Suzy Barnard, painting
photo by Styrous®

Jan Watten, photogaphy

Lynn McGeever, painting 
photo by Styrous®

Amy Sollins, painting
photo by Styrous®

Gray Loft Gallery calendar

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 Gray Loft Gallery 
2889 Ford Street, #32 
Oakland, CA 94601 

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