"Somewhere in Another World" by J.M. Golding
Into The Light
a group photography exhibit
February 11 – March 18, 2017
Reception, Saturday, February 11, 4 - 7pm
note new reception date and time!
2nd Friday Reception:
March 10 11, 6 – 9 pm
Closing Reception and wine tasting:
Saturday, March 18, 3:00 – 5:30 pm
Gray Loft Gallery is very pleased to present Into The Light, a group photography show selected by Judy Walgren, Pulitzer Prize Winner and Editorial Director, ViewFind.
Alternative processes, traditional black and white images, color
photography and mixed media works will be on view by a group of
exceptional artists and photographers.
Participating Artists:
Jeffrey Abrahams | Laurel Anderson-Malinovsky | Jason Andrescavage
Jo Babcock | PJ Calihan | Niccolo Constanti | Larry Davidson
Kim Frohsin | David Gardner | J. M. Golding | Marsha Guggenheim
Edie Scott Hoffman | Judi Iranyi | Julie Jaycox | Drew Klausner
Eben Ostby | Steven Raskin | Sue Reynolds | Dean Santomieri
Charlotte Seekamp | Neo Serafimidis | Robert Schneider | Susan Scott
Sierra Joy Stevens-McGeever | Styrous | Michael Teresko
Beverly Tharp | Jane Waterbury | Stephanie Williamson
Nick Winkworth | Karyn Yandow
Gallery Hours:
Saturdays, 1:00 to 5:00
Sunday by appointment
Gray Loft Gallery
2889 Ford Street, #32
Oakland, CA 94601